More than 2600 households benefit from Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance in Jonglei State.

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Women pose in a photo after receiving cash to provide basic needs for their families . Photo: Save the Children. 

As of July 30th  2023,  South Sudan Cash Consortium delivered Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance to 2,610 (1,973 F, 637 M) Households (HHs) in Akobo West (Walgak) and Bor, Jonglei State.

Targeted households in Bor received 72,053-100,874 South Sudanese Pounds (SSP), while those in Walgak got 102,575-143,605 SSP, based on the Multi-sectoral Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (MSSMEB).

Save the Children South Sudan used a community-based targeting approach with the support of local authorities in the area.

Beneficiary selection criteria included households sheltering separated/unaccompanied children (under 18 years old) with limited access to food and income, women and girls at risk or survivors of GBV (identified or through referral pathways), households headed by children (under 18 years old), elderly (+60 years) living alone, chronically sick with limited access to food and income, female-headed HHs with long-term illness and female-headed HHs with long-term illness and; households with chronic handicap (alone or living with a family), newly arrived returnees/refugees without shelter, food and income, household severely hit by the recent floods as well as households who lost their asset and income due to communal violence.

With support from the European Union Humanitarian Aid, Save the Children, Action Against Hunger, International Rescue Committee and Collaborative Cash Delivery Network formed the South Sudan Cash Consortium to deliver Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance  to meet basic needs and prevent morbidity and mortality flood and conflict affected community in Jonglei and Unity State. 

Written by Said Muhumed Dolow/Save the Children

Edited by Tito Justin/Save the Children