After years of war prevented generations of people from going to school, education in South Sudan remains an urgent priority with just 27 per cent of the population able to read or write, and less than half of children enrolled in school.
Save the Children supports curriculum development at the national level; co-chairs the Education Cluster for Education in Emergencies; constructs classrooms, temporary learning spaces, and WASH facilities including latrines and boreholes in schools; supports centres for Early Childhood Development; and trains teachers, Parents Teachers Associations, Social Advocacy Teams and Local Education Authorities, including head teachers, inspectors and supervisors.
In 2012, 152,664 children benefitted from our education programmes including support for formal primary schools, Accelerated Learning Programmes (ALP), pastoralist education classes and Early Childhood Development classes. In addition we trained more than 640 teachers and supplied 218 schools with education kits.
Our Education in Emergencies work supports children affected by insecurity and natural disasters by providing child friendly learning spaces, providing teaching materials and recreation kits, and working with communities to ensure children’s education is not disrupted. We also run child resilience programmes that improve the psychosocial wellbeing of children affected by conflict using a combination of art, photography, education and group sessions.