
Thursday 17 January 2019

Working Their Way Out of War

South Sudan's children building a future without conflict.

Wednesday 17 October 2018

270,000 Children in South Sudan at Risk of Starvation, 20,000 Expected to Die from Extreme Hunger

One in two people face starvation in South Sudan, as extreme hunger hits more states

Thursday 27 September 2018

From Cattle Raiding, Abject Poverty to a Positive Future

Over 900 youth in South Sudan’s Lakes State get skills to boost employment opportunities through provision of market driven services and peace building activities.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Not Educated, but Can Treat Childhood Illnesses

Save the Children trains hundreds of women who cannot read and write to treat childhood illnesses and malnutrition

Mother Lochin took her 2-year-old son Lokale* to a Save the Children-trained community health worker and has made a full recovery. Martin Kharumwa / Save the Children

Wednesday 13 June 2018

She’s Happily Reunited but Still Needs Help

12 year old Joy* was successfully reunited with her family. She still faces huge challenges to completing her education and maintaining her health.

Joy* plays with her younger sister Sarah* at home in Mayom two days after reunification. Photo; Tito Justin/Save the Children
