Nimule: PTA provide safe environment for children to learn

Thursday 1 December 2022


Safety in school is crucial in ensuring children have access to quality education through a supportive learning environment that allow them to develop to their full potential.

Education Cannot Wait support for education in South Sudan include providing Parent-Teachers Association and School Management Committees with small grants to decide on simple ways of improving enrolment, retention, learning and safety for their children while at school.

The PTA in Shekina Primary School in Nimule at the border of South Sudan and Uganda decided to install metallic windows for all the three classroom blocks.

The school was established in 2009 by the Shekina Orphanage center. Initially, the school had wooden windows – whose frames were destroyed by termites.

Some members of the community would also invade the school compound and vandalize learning materials.

“Some members of the community would encroach into the school and enter the classrooms, as we do not have a fence. They destroy and vandalize school materials, including desks and tables and some learning materials. Some people even use the classrooms to ease themselves – creating health concerns for our learners,” said Wani Abdon Darious, Deputy Headteacher, who is also the assistant secretary for the PTA.

The Multi-Year Resilient Programme grant from #ECW through Save the Children partner - Plan International South Sudan enabled the PTA to installed 25 permanent windows for Primary 1 to Primary 8 classes.

Now, 360 learners in the school feel secure and are able to learn without any interference from the community or worry over the destruction of their property.

“Our classroom desks, books and chalkboards are now secure. Our children sit in class without any fear of intrusion from the members of the public,” Mr. Wani stated.

In South Sudan, #ECW -MYRP program is implemented by Save the Children, Norwegian Refugee Council and Finn Church Aid and partners such as Plan International, and in collaboration with the Ministry of General Education and Instruction to provide inclusive and safe access to quality learning opportunities for crisis-affected girls and boys across six states in South Sudan.

Story: Daniel Danis/Save the Children